Article 1 - Form
An association governed by the law of July 1, 1901 and subsequent laws is formed between the natural or legal persons adhering to these statutes.
Article 2 - Name
The association takes the following name: "Association Française des Yachts de Tradition" and its acronym will be:
Article 3 - Purpose
The purpose of the association is to bring together the owners of traditional yachts, to coordinate the calendar of events concerning these boats, to harmonize their tonnage as well as all the elements allowing their comparison, to promote the exchange of information concerning their maintenance, their renovation, their history and their use, to establish and develop all relations with similar associations existing in other countries.
The association may exercise all non-profit activities directly or indirectly related to the above goals.
The association also welcomes people who are interested in its goals but do not own a traditional yacht.
Recognized as a Class Association, the association undertakes to declare the number of its members annually to the French Sailing Federation. It will keep the French Sailing Federation informed of the regattas benefiting from its sponsorship.
Its means of action are specified in the Internal Regulations (article 26).
Article 4 - Headquarters
The registered office of the association is located at the registered office of the Yacht Club de France, at 41, avenue Foch - 75116 Paris.
He may, at any time, be transferred to the same city by simple decision of the Board of Directors and, in another city, by a decision of the General Assembly.
Article 5 - Duration
The duration of the association is unlimited.
Article 6 - Members
The association is made up of active members, associate members, honorary members and benefactor members.
Active members are all natural or legal persons who own a traditional yacht or have a right of use in their regard, who are interested in the object of the association, who wish to contribute materially and morally to the achievement of its goals, which adhere to the present statutes, which pay a contribution the amount of which is fixed by the Board of Directors and which have been approved by the latter.
The Yacht Club de France is an ex officio member of the association.
Adherent members are all natural or legal persons, who are interested in the object of the association, who wish to contribute materially and morally to the achievement of its goals, who adhere to these statutes, who pay a contribution the amount of which is set by the Board of Directors which have been approved by the latter.
Founding members are those members who participated in the founding of the association and who in this capacity signed the first statutes: Gérard Mesnel, Founding President, Pierre-Paul Heckly, First Vice-President, Gérard Naigeon, Second Vice-President, the Yacht Club de France, Secretary General, Didier Oberthur, Treasurer.
The active or adherent members who pay a special contribution, the minimum amount of which is set by the Board of Directors, are said to be benefactor members.
The Board of Directors may award the title of honorary member to any personality who agrees to give the association the support of his name or patronage or who has rendered significant services. This title does not include any particular obligation or right.
He may also confer honorary status on former active members of the association.
The Board of Directors has a sovereign ruling on membership applications, in the event of a refusal, its decision is final and is not motivated.
Article 7 - Contributions
Contributions are fixed and payable annually. The modalities are the subject of a provision of the Internal Regulations (Art. 26).
Article 8 - Loss of membership
Membership is lost by death, by resignation, by default of payment of contribution two years in a row, by radiation pronounced by the Board of Directors for serious reasons after the member concerned has been called beforehand to provide all explanations.
In this case, the decision of the Board of Directors is final and, by express agreement, cannot give rise to any legal action whatsoever or to any claim whatsoever on the property of the association.
Article 9 - Liability of members and directors
The patrimony of the association is solely responsible for the commitments contracted by it, without any of the members and or administrators of this association being able to be held personally responsible for it, subject to the application of the laws relating to the reorganization or the judicial liquidation of companies.
Article 10 - Board of Directors
The association is administered by a Council made up of thirteen members, twelve of whom are elected for three years by the General Assembly, renewable by thirds every year. Advisors are re-eligible.
The President of the Yacht Club de France, an ex officio member of the association, is a permanent member of the Council.
The exit of the members elected at the first General Assembly is fixed by a drawing of lots made during the session of the General Assembly. It is then provided for the replacement of outgoing members by a vote by secret ballot and the absolute majority of members present at the General Assembly.
The members of the Board of Directors appointed by the General Assembly to replace a deceased or resigning member, only remain in office for the time remaining to run for the mandate of the deceased or resigning member they are replacing.
The duties of directors are exercised free of charge.
Article 11 - Bureau of the Council
The Board of Directors chooses from among its members a Bureau composed of three members: a President, a Secretary General and a Treasurer.
The members of the Bureau are in office for one year.
Article 12 - Meetings and deliberations of the Board
The Board of Directors meets each time it is convened by its Chairman or at the request of a third of its members and at least once every six months.
It can convene to its meetings in a consultative capacity all members of the association whose competence would be useful to the object of its work and constitute, with their assistance, study commissions for a determined object. In the meetings of the Council, only the members of the Council have a voice in the deliberations.
No one can vote by proxy and in the event of a tie, the vote of the President of the association is decisive.
For the Board's deliberations to be valid, at least one third of the members must be present.
Article 13 - Powers of the President
The President convenes the General Assemblies and the meetings of the Board of Directors.
He represents the association in the acts of civil and associative life, both in France and abroad and he is invested with all the powers to this end.
In particular, he has the capacity to sue as a defender on behalf of the association and as a plaintiff with the authorization of the Board of Directors. He may form, under the same conditions, all appeals or appeals and consent to all transactions.
He presides over all the Assemblies. In the event of absence or illness, he is replaced by the Vice-Chairman and then by the oldest member of the Board or in the event of equal seniority by the oldest.
He hires the employees of the association.
Article 14 - Powers of the Secretary General
The Secretary General is responsible for correspondence and archives.
He writes the minutes of the meetings or assemblies and, in general, all the writings concerning the functioning of the association, with the exception of those which concern the accounts.
He keeps the special register provided for by article 5 of the law of July 1, 1901 and articles 6 and 31 of the decree of August 16, 1901.
He ensures the formalities prescribed by the said articles.
Article 15 - Responsibilities of the Treasurer
The treasurer is in charge of everything relating to the management of the association's assets. He makes all payments and receives, under the supervision of the President, all sums due to the association. He can only dispose of the securities constituting the reserve fund with the authorization of the Board of Directors.
It keeps a regular account of all the operations carried out by it and reports to the annual General Assembly, which approves, if necessary, its management.
Article 16 - Powers of the Board of Directors
The Board ensures the execution of the decisions of the General Assembly and is invested with the broadest powers to carry out or authorize all acts which are not reserved for the General Assembly.
He supervises the management of the members of the Bureau and always has the right to be held accountable for their actions.
It may, by majority vote, in the event of serious misconduct, temporarily suspend the members of the Bureau pending the decision of the General Assembly which must, in this case, be convened and met within two weeks.
It decides sovereignly on all admissions or radiations of members of the association.
It authorizes the President or the Treasurer to make all purchases, alienations or rentals necessary for the functioning of the association.
Article 17 - Resources of the Association
The resources of the association include:
1) membership fees and entry fees paid by members
2) the subsidies which may be granted to it by the Territorial Collectivities, intended to enable it to achieve the goals it sets for itself
3) interest and income from property and securities belonging to him
4) other resources from private organizations.
The reserve fund is made up of:
1) buildings necessary for the functioning of the association
2) capital from savings made on the annual budget. These funds are used, according to the decisions of the Council, for the achievement of the goals of the association.
Article 18 - Accounting
A day-to-day accounting of funds by revenue and expenditure and, if necessary, stock accounts, in accordance with the applicable regulations, is kept.
Article 19 - Accounting year
Each fiscal year runs from January 1 to December 31.
Article 20 - Composition of the Assemblies - Decisions
The General Assembly is made up of all the members of the association.
No one of them can be represented by a person who is not a member of the association in a personal capacity. The number of “powers” held by a member of the Assembly cannot exceed nine, thus conferring on him a maximum of ten votes.
The Assemblies are ordinary or extraordinary. They are chaired as stated in article 13. Decisions, taken regularly, bind dissidents and unrepresented absentees.
Article 21 - Convocation and Agenda
The convocation to the Meetings is made at least fifteen days before the meeting, by ordinary mail or electronic.
The convocation includes the agenda of the meeting as it was decided by the Board deciding on the holding of the Meeting.
In addition to the questions put on the agenda by the Council, any proposal bearing the signature of one tenth of the members and submitted to the secretariat at least ten days before the meeting, may be submitted to the Assembly.
Article 22 - Ordinary General Meeting
The Ordinary General Assembly takes place once a year and receives the report on the work of the Board of Directors and the accounts of the Treasurer. It rules on their approval.
It rules sovereignly on all questions relating to the functioning of the association, gives all authorizations to the Council, the President and the Treasurer to carry out all operations falling within the object of the association and which are not contrary to the provisions of the law. of July 1, 1901, for which the powers conferred on them by the statutes would not be sufficient.
All the deliberations of the Annual General Assembly are taken by a majority of the members present.
Article 23 - Extraordinary General Assembly
The Extraordinary General Assembly may be convened in the event of exceptional circumstances by the President, on the assent of the Board of Directors or on the written request of at least one fifth of the registered members submitted to the secretariat. In the latter case, the meeting must take place within thirty days of the submission of the request to the secretariat.
The Extraordinary General Assembly rules on all urgent questions submitted to it. It can make any changes to the statutes, order the extension or dissolution of the association or its merger with any other associations pursuing a similar goal or its affiliation to any union of associations, but in these various cases it must be composed of the half of the members entitled to take part in the assemblies. If this quorum is not reached, the Chairman may call a new Extraordinary General Meeting without a quorum.
Article 24 - Minutes of the Meetings
The deliberations of the Assemblies are recorded by the Secretary General in a register and signed by the members of the Council present at the deliberation. These minutes record the number of members present at Extraordinary General Meetings. The deliberations of the Board are recorded by the Secretary General in a register and signed by him and the Chairman. The Secretary General may issue copies which he certifies as true.
The minutes of the annual assemblies, including the reports of the General Secretariat and the Treasurer, are sent to all members of the association.
Article 25 - Dissolution
In the event of voluntary or forced dissolution, the Extraordinary General Assembly rules on the devolution of the association's assets, without being able to attribute to the members of the association anything other than their contributions. It designates the public establishments, the private establishments recognized of public utility or the associations of general interest, which will receive the remainder of the assets after the payment of all the debts and charges of the association and of all the costs of liquidation. . It appoints, to ensure the liquidation operations, one or more members of the association who will be invested for this purpose with all the necessary powers.
Article 26 - Internal regulations
Internal regulations will be established, if necessary, by the Board of Directors and may always be modified by it.
Only the regulations will determine the specific conditions to ensure the execution of these statutes or the methods of accomplishing the operations constituting the object of the association.
Article 27 - Formalities
The President, on behalf of the Board of Directors, is responsible for completing all the formalities of declaration, publication and receipt prescribed by the law of July 1, 1901 and the decree of August 16, 1901 and relating to both the creation of the association and the 'to the modifications which would be regularly made by him.
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