The CIM 2022 - 2025 Rating regulations for traditional yachts are available.
This rating defines the eligibility criteria for yachts, with the aim of pushing for the greatest possible authenticity, and rating and allegiance allowing the yachts to race on compensated time, with groupings into appropriate categories, mainly based on a separation between so-called "Classic" yachts - launched between 1950 and 1975 - and vintage yachts - launched before 1950 - grouped according to their "auric" or Marconi" rig and their sizes.
The CIM Technical Commission, which manages changes to the rating regulations, is made up of representatives of the “National Associations”: AIVE for Italy, RANC for Spain, AMBC for Monaco and AFYT for France.
Within the AFYT, the AFYT Technical Committee analyzes the rating problems and prepares the positions of the AFYT for its various partners, and in particular for the CIM. The existing rating is renewed by the AFYT each year.
Download the regulations for the rating and for the races of vintage and classic yachts 2022-2025 (FR) (GB)
Versions of the CIM Rating regulations 2022-2025 in track change (FR) (GB)
and Corrective 1 to the CIM 2022-2025 Rating regulations (FR - GB)
Declaration form for Rating 2022 (FR) (GB)